if you receive a code with 16 digts and it does not work cut the half of the digits until get 8 codes and the another 8 codes try the 8 digits codes
your code 01234567891011121 separe 012345678 & 91011121 and this will work
IF your code is not found use Mexico ( at&t / Iusacell / Unefone / Nextel ) Generic Codes Data Base 2
si recibe un código con 16 dígitos y no funciona, corte la mitad de los dígitos hasta obtener 8 códigos y los otros 8 códigos pruebe los códigos de 8 dígitos
su código 01234567891011121 separe 012345678 y 91011121 y esto funcionará
SI no se encuentra su código, use México (at & t / Iusacell / Unefone / Nextel) Códigos genéricos Base de datos 2
Average Delivery Time is 15minutes But in case server lost connection or has repairs can take up to 12 hours , There will be no cancellation allowed on any request we will ignore all request
- No Cancellation if Delayed
- No Refund for Wrong Code Complaint
- No Video Proof Accepted
- No Investigation